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Collections and Interest Groups
Below you will find a list of Australian and International galleries, orgnisations, private collections and interest groups promoting Asian arts around the world.
- Australian Collections and Interest Groups
- International Collections and Interest Groups
Art Gallery of New South Wales: www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au
Art Gallery of South Australia: www.artgallery.sa.gov.au
Art Gallery of Western Australia: www.artgallery.wa.gov.au
Asialink, the University of Melbourne: asialink.unimelb.edu.au
Bendigo Golden Dragon Museum: www.goldendragonmuseum.org
Chinese Museum, Melbourne: www.chinesemuseum.com.au
4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art: www.4a.com.au
Hamilton Art Gallery: www.hamiltongallery.org
Hou Wang Chinese Temple and Museum: National Trust Queensland: nationaltrustqld.org.au/visitor-sites/hou-wang-chinese-temple-and-museum
Japan Foundation Sydney: jpf.org.au
Korean Cultural Office: koreanculture.org.au
La Trobe Regional Gallery, Victoria [Alan Aldous Asian Art Collection]: latroberegionalgallery.com
Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory: www.magnt.net.au
Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (Powerhouse): powerhouse.com.au
Museum of Contemporary Art: www.mca.com.au
National Gallery of Australia (ACT): www.nga.gov.au
NGV International: www.ngv.vic.gov.au
Newcastle Art Gallery: www.nag.org.au
Nicholson Museum, Sydney: www.sydney.edu.au/museum/discover-our-collections/nicholson-collection.html
Oriental Rug Society: www.rugsociety.org.au
Queensland Art Gallery/ Gallery of Modern Art: www.qagoma.qld.gov.au
QVMAG – Guan Di Temple – Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery: www.qvmag.tas.gov.au/Whats-on/Art-Gallery-at-Royal-Park/Guan-Di-Temple
Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation: sherman-scaf.org.au
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery: www.tmag.tas.gov.au
UQ Art Museum, University of Queensland – Nat Yuen Collection: www.artmuseum.uq.edu.au
VisAsia: www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/support-us/join-the-gallery-foundation/visasia
White Rabbit Contemporary Chinese Art Collection: www.whiterabbitcollection.org
Wollongong Art Gallery – Mann-Tatlow Collection of Asian Art: www.wollongongartgallery.com/collections
Anokhi Museum – Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing, Jaipur, India: www.anokhimuseum.com
Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong: www.artmuseum.cuhk.edu.hk
Asia Society Museum, New York: asiasociety.org/museum
Asia Society, Hong Kong: asiasociety.org/hong-kong
Association of Friends of Asian Art (VVAK), the Netherlands: vvak.nl
Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore: www.nhb.gov.sg/acm
Asian Art Museum of San Francisco: asianart.org
The Arthur M. Sackler and Freer Gallery of Art: the National Museums of Asian Art at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C: asia.si.edu
Fowler Museum at UCLA: fowler.ucla.edu
Musée Cernuschi Museum, Paris: www.cernuschi.paris.fr
Musée Guimet: www.guimet.fr
Musée du Quai Branly, Jacques Chirac, Paris: www.quaibranly.fr
Museum der Kulturen, Basel: www.mkb.ch/de
Museum of Asian Art, Berlin: www.smb.museum/en/museums-and-institutions/museum-fuer-asiatische-kunst
The Museum of East Asian Art, Bath, United Kingdom: www.meaa.org.uk
Museum Rietberg: www.rietberg.ch/de-ch
National Museum of World Cultures, Leiden, the Netherlands: collectie2.wereldculturen.nl/default.aspx?lang=en
National Palace Museum, Taipei: www.npm.gov.tw
The Oriental Ceramic Society, Hong Kong: orientalceramics.org.hk
The Oriental Ceramic Society, Norway: www.orientalskkeramikk.com
The Oriental Ceramic Society of the Philippines: www.facebook.com/ocsphil
The Oriental Ceramic Society of Sweden: www.facebook.com/OrientalCeramicSocietySweden
The Oriental Ceramic Society, London: www.ocs-london.com
Oxford Asian Textile Group, U.K.: www.oatg.org.uk
The Palace Museum, Beijing: www.dpm.org.cn
Seattle Asian Art Museum: www.seattleartmuseum.org/visit/asian-art-museum
Shanghai Museum: www.shanghaimuseum.net
Southeast Asian Ceramic Society, Singapore: www.seaceramic.org.sg
The Thai Textile Society, Bangkok: www.thaitextilesociety.org
Threads of Life, Bali, Indonesia: threadsoflife.com
Tokyo National Museum: www.tnm.jp
Traditional Arts and Ethnology Centre, Laos: www.taeclaos.org
University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong: umag.hku.hk
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